
Donald Trump

Últimas Notícias sobre Donald Trump

  1. Remuneração - receitas financeiras - parcelamento
    Crédito: fotolia

    Direito Tributário

    Sistema tributário no Brasil é altamente complexo e precisa de mudança completa

    Ao JOTA o advogado americano Richard Winston falou sobre as reformas tributárias americana e brasileira

  2. <> at Old Post Office on July 23, 2014 in Washington, DC.


    Fake news tiveram impacto limitado nas eleições americanas

    Pesquisa apontou que leitura de notícias falsas costuma ficar restrita a grupos de posição política mais extrema

  3. Washington - March 23, 2016. Deputy Attorney General of the United States Sally Q. Yates Announces the results of the U.S. Marshals led Operation VR12. This six-week initiative, resulted in the arrest of more than 8,075 gang members, sex offenders and other violent criminals. While Operation VR12 was conducted nationwide in all 94 federal judicial districts, U.S. Marshals focused special attention on 12 selected locations, designated as priority cities by the U.S. Department of Justice: Baltimore; Brooklyn, New York; Camden, New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois; Compton, California; Fresno, California; Gary, Indiana; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New Orleans; Oakland, California; Savannah, Georgia; and Washington, D.C. In order to have the greatest impact on violent crime, Operation VR12 focused on fugitives who had three or more prior felony arrests for crimes such as murder, attempted murder, robbery, aggravated assault, arson, abduction/kidnapping, weapon offenses, sexual assault, child molestation and narcotics. Operation VR12 investigators increased their focus on fugitives accused of sex crimes and on the recovery of missing children. Between February 1 and March 11, the U.S. Marshals Service used its multi-jurisdictional investigative authority and fugitive task force network to arrest 648 gang members and others wanted on charges including 559 for homicide; and 946 for sexual offenses. In addition, investigators seized 463 firearms, $390,360 in currency, and more than 71 kilograms of illegal narcotics. Also during the operation, investigators recovered 17 children who had been abducted and reported missing. Please Credit: (Photo by Shane T. McCoy / US Marshals)


    As mulheres da Justiça que desafiaram Trump

    Três juízas e a ex-procuradora geral atrapalharam os planos do presidente tuíteiro

  4. @flickr/ianmcwilliams

    Donald Trump

    SCOTUS: cinco fatos inusitados de 2016

    Suprema Corte norte-americana não permaneceu adstrita à sua usual discrição e circunspeção

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  5. Crédito @Pixabay


    Trump, Trusts e Bananas

    O que esperar da gestão do republicano no antitruste