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Justiça em série – Como se livrar de um assassinato

Com um Emmy no currículo, começa nos EUA a segunda temporada de “How to Get Away With Murder”.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - "Smile or Go to Jail" - Annalise helps Paula Murphy (Ana Ortiz), a suburban soccer mom, get released from jail after she was arrested for a misdemeanor, but just as she's about to walk free, she's arrested again by the FBI in connection for felony murder. Annalise and her students are tasked with proving her innocence which will depend on the testimony from another suspect in the case. Meanwhile, the Middleton University president asks Annalise to represent Griffin O' Reilly, the star quarterback who has also been linked to Lila's disappearance but she's unable to make a decision until she knows that Sam (Tom Verica) wasn't involved in the case. In flash forwards, more clues are revealed and we discover someone else was also there besides the students during the night of the murder, on "How to Get Away with Murder," THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth) CHARLIE WEBER, LIZA WEIL, KARLA SOUZA, MATT MCGORRY, ALFRED ENOCH, JACK FALAHEE, AJA NAOMI KING

Há séries que começam bem, com narrativa estruturada, fatos críveis, personagens fortes. Quando é para ter suspense na trama, um certo mistério em torno dos dramas pessoais de cada envolvido é sempre bem-vindo. O difícil, no caso desses seriados, é manter a coerência e a qualidade do produto, sem cair na banalidade. “Revenge”, por exemplo, […]

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