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American Crime: Derrubando mitos

“American Crime” usa a fórmula do seriado tradicional, mas consegue fugir do lugar comum

AMERICAN CRIME - "Season Two: Episode Six" - Against the school lawyer's advice, Leslie decides to take it upon herself to welcome Eric back to Leyland with a school-wide showing of empathy. But Eric soon discovers that his return does not sit well with some of his fellow basketball team members; Anne decides that she'd rather take the school to court over what happened to her son, Taylor, than accept a settlement, and Chris finds himself being vilified when students begin picketing Marshall high school after three Hispanic students are suspended for fighting with a black student, who received no punishment whatsoever, on "American Crime," WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY (10:00-11:00 p.m. EST) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Ryan Green) LILI TAYLOR

O canal AXN estreou este mês a segunda temporada de “American Crime”. Mas não dá para falar deste novo ciclo sem começar desde o início, já que esta é uma atração inovadora, mesmo seguindo a essência da velha fórmula do drama criminal. “American Crime” lembra, em muitos aspectos, o filme “American Beauty” (“Beleza Americana”). A […]

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